The Group Work Card Game Available Online Now

School News Today
2 min readFeb 1, 2022


An informal poll at Public School Zero reveals that everyone hates group work. Or at least the conscientious people who bothered to do the work of filling out the survey hate it. Perhaps the slackers who get by on the work of others, and did not bother to fill out the questionnaire, love group work.

The ongoing challenge remains that teachers need the classroom time designated for group work and Project-Based-Learning (PBL) to do their own school paperwork and catch up on emails with their mother-in-law.

Contrary to popular belief, and an annoying meme going around the school, teachers do not use PBL time for online shopping. Teachers don’t make enough money for recreational shopping.

That’s why Public School Zero has launched an online version of The Group Game, a game that helps students think deeply about why they hate group work. The game was the brainchild of underappreciated Public School Zero science teacher, Mr. Burden, but the Principal is taking all the credit for his unexpectedly successful game.

Play The Group Game Here

The Group Game assigns players the roles of Slackers, Drudges, Credit Hogs and Friends. If there are more than four players, all the rest are Slackers. Sorry Introverts, who hate PBL more than anyone, we don’t have a role for you: be content to sit in the corner, ignored by all and fretting over the one wrong thing you said.

A boxed card game version of The Group Game will be available for pre-order later this year, with all proceeds going towards the Principal’s vacation fund.

Also Read: Hate Group Work? Play The Group Game



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