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Mrs. Dashay is retiring from Public School Zero at the end of this year due to health problems. She was concerned that thirty years of materials that she had lovingly compiled for her students would be lost to history, especially her poetry lessons.
So her best friend has begun compiling and posting some of Mrs. Dashay’s most popular lesson plans to benefit the Association of Imaginary Schools Dear Old Teacher Fund.
You can watch Mrs.Dashay’s Short Haiku Lesson Written In Haiku here and download her Free Blank Haiku Template below.
When Mrs. Dashay’s old students saw her annual Haiku Lesson Written In Haiku on the School News Today site, many of them wrote in to bid her farewell in haiku.
**Starred Comments**
Mrs. Dashay we
Will miss you at recess time
And when you are dead
I remember the
Time you sang like Beyonce
And everyone laughed
Pirate day was fun
You were a good teacher sorry
We made fun of you
in your class I ate
fried grasshoppers for credit
they weren’t so bad
when I had no food
you bought me dinner and socks
I never thanked you
Dear Missus Dashay
If you die from TB what will
Happen to your cat?
did you get TB
from me? I got it from my
mother’s boyfriend, sorry
the last day of school
I stole the gerbil because
I loved him so much
and Mrs.Dashay
don’t worry about Lil Pip
the critter is fine
Also Read: Friday Office Poetry