Designed to F

School News Today
1 min readJan 5, 2022


Fred’s University is proud to announce its latest industry collaboration: The Institute for Planned Obsolescence. In this venture, Fred’s U will farm out talent from the departments of Engineering, Computer Science and Marketing to find ways to make everyday products less durable, less user-friendly and more likely to be replaced. Projects underway include tiny inexpensive car parts which are so hard to reach that it takes several hours to disassemble the car in order to replace them and fragile printer trays which cannot be reordered. Other collaborations in the works are refrigerator drawers with flimsy gliders that break under the weight of lettuce and new wonder materials for the soles of sneakers that last as little as two months. As international outrage rises over our throwaway culture and the trend toward products that cannot be reused, Fred’s University is particularly excited about its venture into seemingly-resealable food packaging which cannot in fact be opened without destroying the resealing feature.

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