Controversial Art Photos Comment on Playground, Annoy Parents

School News Today
2 min readApr 22, 2022


Barbie doll straddles a Christmas tree in a poster for the Museum of Imaginary Art at SchoolNewsToday.Com

Comments have been closed on the Museum of Imaginary Art poster for the upcoming Deiter Reichstag photography exhibit.

**Starred Comments**


This picture is a totally transparent commentary on the playground controversy at Burning Badger School about whether the kindergarteners should be allowed to climb the unstable 75-foot fir tree unsupervised or whether they should be allowed to grow up as fake plastic kids with no imagination or sense of adventure. I wish Deiter would keep our school out of his work and the public eye.


Another creepy example of the sexualization of girls posing as a commentary. The artist is profiting from the sexual exploitation of children. Gross.


Deiter is making a point about how contemporary culture castrates men. Barbie is all modern women celebrating her liberation at the cost of cutting off men. The photo itself has been cropped by the Museum curator. If you see the larger photo it reveals the minified male approaching this scene of carnage in a state of terror. Thank you for Deiter for telling the truth.


Typical gynophobic BS from you Peter, as per usual. Anyone can see that this is rape picture. But because Barbie has her face painted on we cannot see her pain.


The real rape is the rape of nature. Trees treated as disposable. Mother nature disrespected by the rebellious teen girl that is our throwaway consumer culture.

Uncropped image of Barbie doll straddling a Christmas tree with a gnome watching for The Museum of Imaginary Art at


The uncropped picture is less interesting. It is just another version of Reichstag’s tired old theme of the encounter between anthroposophy (represented by the wholesome gnome) and contemporary life (represented by pornographic plastic.) Reichstag is derivative of himself and just trying to make money for crippling private school tuition bills for his kids.


Thank you so much for this excellent indictment of the commercialization of Christmas.

Mrs. RowanTree

This photo is a violation of the Burning Badger School playground policy banning all art photography. Deiter, please come speak to me when you pick up your children today. This cannot go on.



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